My little notebook of information about stuff that I'm doing and what's going on in my life. Stay tuned for updates on what's goin on in my life.

Monday, July 25, 2005

And now I'm home. Ready to register for the Fall semester at BU. :-D Can't wait to see you all again! Posted by Picasa

During my senior missions trip we stayed at Moody Bible Institute. Well, we slept there, we didn't stay there. (1 John 2:17) Posted by Picasa

So my family went to Chicago this past weekend for a "McMahan Family Reunion". We left Wednesday night, got back Sunday night. Stayed in a different relatives house/hotel room each night. We walked around the city of Chicago (it brought back so many memories of my senior missions trip to Romania when we stopped in Chicago for a week for training.) Anyways, that tall building is the... uh... the... tall building that was built in the 20th century after the Great Chicago Fire... :-) Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Hey, I'm in Chicago right now. I get to go to a McMahan Family Reunion where my dad and his brothers and sister grew up (yay)... ok, g'night (it's 3:30pm) Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Hey guys, it's me... Just sitting here on a Saturday workin on Chapel Makeups... Yep... 9 days left... only 6 to go... :-D Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

CJ's friend Ben. He's from Colorado too. Posted by Picasa

Me and CJ. He's from Colorado. Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 08, 2005

Hey guys. I'm still alive. Whew! That was a CLOSE one! Crikey! hahaha... besure to read today's posts in order, so scroll all the way down before you start reading... Posted by Picasa


MINE!!! MUAHAHA!!! Posted by Picasa

Oh dear... only one light left on... Posted by Picasa

Oh NO!!! They're going to turn off the lights!! Posted by Picasa

Hey guys, it's me! and I'm doing GRRRREAT!! Posted by Picasa

If anyone can name three out of four people in this pic, along with where and when, I will give you the Sprite that was on the table... Posted by Picasa